Tlemcen - 2011 Tlemcen, Capitale de la Culture Islamique

Restoration of cultural heritage of Tlemcen

1. The projects of restoration and / or renovation of the cultural heritage of Tlemcen intervene on the urban fabric (inner and outer walls) of the city of Tlemcen as well as the ones of the other municipalities of the wilaya. They involve, mainly the principal buildings, the ruins of walls, the traditional public edifices, small mosques of districts, hammams (Turkish baths), ferranes (big ovens), mausoleums, medersas and Koranic schools. And finally derbs, squares which lead to these buildings and shape the local area of Tlemcen.

2. The whole program includes ninety nine (99) projects to be applied on sites of restoration all across the old city of Tlemcen, and nearby municipalities having important heritage areas. These projects will be due during the year in which the event; "Tlemcen Capital of the Islamic Culture" will occur.

3. 23 research departments and 50 Algerian firms (90 % are from the wilaya of Tlemcen) will supervise these projects while the Ministry of Culture and departments of the Wilaya de Tlemcen will ensure its success.

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