Tindouf - Revue de Presse

Spanish actor Javier Bardem and Polisario Front President Mohamed

Spanish actor Javier Bardem and Polisario Front President Mohamed

Spanish actor Javier Bardem and Polisario Front President Mohamed Abdelaziz pose for the media during the closing ceremony of the 5th Sahara international film festival at Dakhla's refugee camp, near Tindouf in southwestern Algeria, April 20, 2008.
Reuters Pictures

As unionist western Saharawi, we wonder the reasons why Javier Bardem is under the spell of Algeria and Polisario Front leaders. He is actually committed on this maneuver more than ever. He lastly went to the 4th commission of the UN to preach separatism in the Western Sahara Territory. Is he in a promotion process for his film on the issue? Or is the fact that he grew in an extreme left family gives him the right to support the Marxist-Leninist military separatist faction Polisario Front? Or is he simply naïve as all those who have been cheated for more than 35 years about the Western Sahara Territory issue? As unionist western Saharawi, we ask Javier Bardem to take into account our views on the issue. We are representing the majority in the region. We are dealing with our affairs since 1975 and we are waiting with impatience the return of our relatives retained in Tindouf camps on the Algerian soil. Javier Bardem has to know that there are some separatists in the region but there are not more than in Cataluña or Basque regions. It happens that these separatists are bothered as in Cataluña but the National Council for Human Rights (CNDH.ma) is monitoring any human rights abuse in a transparent process according to universal bylaws. Moreover, no western Saharawi has ever interfered in the Catalonian separatism issue!!! The unionist western Saharawi are supporting autonomy as the ultimate solution to this absurd conflict legacy of the cold war. Javier Bardem has to know that the referendum is a blocking issue as both Morocco and Algeria didn’t succeed on a consensual voter’ lists. Morocco accepted Backer Plan I while it was rejected by Algeria. Then Morocco refused Backer Plan II whereas he was accepted by Algeria. Did Javier Bardem know this matter of fact? I guess NO. Javier Bardem has to know the first one to talk isn’t necessarily the one who is right. As international aids have been diverted since 1976, the reality on the ground has been hidden by Algeria and Polisario Front leaders. Last but not least, why hasn’t Javier Bardem campaign for the organization of a free population census by the UNHCR in Tindouf camps? Has he never wondered why Algeria is blocking it? I guess NO. Javier Bardem is simply repeating what he got during his multiple visits to Tindouf camps on the Algerian soil. Has he never come to see how the life is in the Western Sahara Territory? NEVER! Has he ever talked to a unionist western Saharawi? NO. Is that fair? Definitely NO!
Computer scientist - Developer - Casablanca, Maroc

10/10/2011 - 20520


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