
you don't matter to me anymore

i was your joke

you were my heart

you played me well like a deck of cards

i see the tears run down your face

what you think my mind is gonna change

and i'm like...

no no no no no no no

you're gonna have to let this go

didn't wanna say i told you so oh oh

but someone had to let you know

and if you think your tears are gonna change my mind

i'm not gonna waste your time

i'll remind you

what i told you

you'd be laughing until you cry

i told ya

you'd be la -a -aughing till you cry cry back to me

you'd be la -a -aughing till you cry cry back to me

if you think i'd take you back you must be dreamin'

(your dreamin')

if you think i'd understand i've got no reason

(no reason)

and if you think that this aint fair take what your given

i knew there would be a time you would cry back to me

[lazy j]

Submit Verse

no no no no no no no

you're gonna have to let this go

didn't wanna say i told you so oh oh

but someone had to let you know

and if you think your tears are gonna change my mind

i'm not gonna waste your time

i'll remind you

what i told you

you'd be laughing until you cry

i told ya

you'd be la -a -aughing till you cry cry back to me

you'd be la -a -aughing till you cry cry back to me

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