Ouargla - 2011 Concours de l'Institut Français

Gohst team

c'est une photo de publicité d'un équipe de dessin " Gohst team "

[I'm sorry my French vocabulary isn't up to what I'm trying to say. This is a great image, and the people who work under the name "Gohst Team" may be great with event sound. But the spelling doesn't come across as unique, or creative, or only because you can't copyright "Ghost Team." Instead, it just looks like you were struggling to spell words from another language, and didn't check online. I hope you can upload a corrected version soon. It really rocks. :)
Pastshelfdate - [Janitor, mais je creais bandes-designees.] - Richmond, VA, Etats-Unis

23/06/2018 - 379769


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