Ouargla - Agenda, Evènements

AIESEC in WITI School Ouargla

AIESEC in WITI School Ouargla
Is travelling one of your top hobbies? Are you passionate aboute other cultures? Have you ever wished to try a different lifestyle? You want a change dont you? , somthing meaningful , impactful, powerful? Then this event is for you . AIESEC in Ouargla welcomes you to our Info session . You will get to know all about the opportunities that we offer that can take you all over the world with the high purpose of contributing to the united Nation Sustainble Development goals, that is contributing to a better world we will be with you throught all your journey. How? You will have to come to the session to understand. #يالانروحوExchange #AIESECinOuargla #AIESECinAlgeria
Wi Ti School, Wi Ti School, 30000, Rouissat
2018-03-10 - 09:00:00+0100
2018-03-10 - 12:00:00+0100

Voir l'événement

اريد الاستفسار عن طلبكم عمال صنف (عون امن. مع العلم اني قمت بدفع ملخص السيرة الذاتية.. )
بن زواده المهدي - ورقلة, Algérie

10/04/2018 - 375135


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