Naama - Documents personnels (Photos, Articles ...)

Let s Us today talk about the second atrractive touristic site in TIOUT .It called KSAR OF TIOUT.It built on 14 th centery and the first persons who give the idea to build this KSAR called AISSA BEN ABD ALLAH .We find inside the ksar three principal gates.The first called BAB AHLA .The second called BAB SIDI AHMED BEN YOUCEF.and the last one called BAB LAKHNAK
and the material that 's help them to build it .It local material I mean the mud and the branche of tree palmes.We find olso their the Mosque who built by forieng person from Moroco .for do not forget .this person when he end to build this mosque he desapeared .I mean they did not find him to pay him.This mosque have the same architect of the mosque of Prophet MOHAMMED god bless him but it 's small .we find olso shopsand lots houses about 60 houses

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