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L'oasis de Tiout et Moghrar

Oasis de Moghrar et de Tiout. 04/06/03; Nâama; 195,500 ha; 32°53'N 002°02'W. Comprises the two Oases Moghrar (Foukani and Tahtani) and the Oasis Tiout at about 1000m altitude, connected by the upper reaches of the Oued Namous and ringed by the southern flank of the Ksour mountains at about 1700m. With the site's typically dry saharan climate, the oases support family agriculture, mainly the cultivation of date palms and vegetables at different levels of terraces; "feggous" and "Aghrass" are the date palms of excellent quality that are of conservation interest. The existence of the fouggaras, an 11th century or earlier system of water capture and distribution, is characteristic of the region and qualifies the site as a Ramsar wetland type Zk(c) - "Karst and other subterranean hydrological systems, human-made". Moghrar is ornithologically significant, with Common or Red Crossbill, woodpigeon, Blue Rock Thrush, among others. The area is known for its ancient rock art, a small prehistory museum, and its Ksar or "fortress", which was formerly the stronghold of the Sheik Bouamama, a key figure in the country's fight against colonialism. Ramsar site no. 1302.
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