Médéa - Agenda, Evènements

Understanding Dynamic & Policy Routing

Understanding Dynamic & Policy Routing

Understanding of IP Routing, starting from Static to Policy Routing, by passing through Dynamic Routing using OSPF & EIGRP. This course is lab-based and is focused on the technologies from Cisco CCNP Route. A certificate will be issued for each participant who complete the session. This will be an ongoing charity with continuous rewards inchallah for my dear brother Abdelhamid may Allah have mercy on him, and give him the highest place in Jannah, Ameen.
Université Dr Yahia Farés De Médéa, Université Dr Yahia Farés De Médéa, 26000, Médéa
2018-03-14 - 09:00:00+0100
2018-03-15 - 17:00:00+0100

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