illizi - Textiles

Textiles illizi

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Dear Sirs Good day WARDATEX is a prominent and pivotal factory, which is specialized in Home Textile, Curtains, Home Wear and Underwear It is located and founded in 1982 in Egypt and considered one of the biggest Egyptian pioneer factories in that field. Wardatex a 100% export- oriented manufacturing company, during our journey over the last three decades. Wardatex has achieved remarkable evolution and now one of the major manufacturers and exporters of Home textile, Curtains, Home wear and underwear in Egypt. Wardatex prides itself in offering to its customers a one-stop solution to all demands, We are a technology driven co. that strives to constantly improve its production processes, while closely preserving our commitment towards highest quality and guaranteed customer satisfaction. We would like to deal with with your esteemed co. by importing yarn and exporting end user products Please note the following • We Have all kinds of curtains fabrics whether embroidered or not • We Have all kinds of upholstery fabrics • We have Bed cover generally whatever type of textile • We have Bed sheets and Bed Linen • We can offer our products as fabrics or as End user • We as a manufacturer need to a cloth's specification and yarn type required / or final product specification • We can also offer product printed according to specification We are honored to cooperate with you and would like to have fruitful and continuous cooperation. For any information please check our web side Looking Forward to hear from you
Dalia Elhakim - WARDATEX factory // importing yarn and exporting end user products - 10th of Ramadan, Egypte

04/11/2018 - 389241


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