Start-up Weekend, is a unique event to put ideas to the test or simply live the entrepreneurial adventure, the event will gather more than hundred people training and forming teams to develop a plan for their start-up in 54 hours from an innovative idea.
For that we combine developers, entrepreneurs, gurus of the marketing, graphic designers, artists … Then we lock them during a Weekend! Techstars SW Cirta Powered by Google for entrepreneurs and, the program has already met a striking success in more than 200 cities and 100 countries and today at Constantine for the second edition.
École Nationale Polytechnique De Constantine, École Nationale Polytechnique De Constantine, Constantine
2018-03-01 - 14:00:00+0100
2018-03-03 - 21:00:00+0100
Voir l'événement
Posté Le : 03/02/2018
Posté par : agenda
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