
ثورة ابن الأحرش في بايلك الشرق (1800-1807).

In the late 18th century and beginning of the 19th century, Algeria had wittnessed dire and difficult economic and social situations, which resulted in a growing disenchantement among population against the ruling Ottoman power. This situation was well exploited by religious movements in Algeria. In fact taking advantage of their popularity and influence among the population, they declare a rebellion on the Ottoman power and establish an Islamic government. Rural areas in Constantine represented well this phenomenon through the emergence of Ibn Alahrach movement which was in fact inspired from the prestigious and well famous Sufi Darquaoui movement, which was used later as a political cover in order to topple the Ottoman regime in Algeria. Ibn Alahrach movement has benefited from several favorable conditions. In fact, international and local causes were all in favor of this leader, who announced his revolution from Beylik in the east to spread latter to include Jijel and Collo and Mila, the tribes of the Grand valley and Rwagha mountains, Valley of Flowers and other rural areas of Constantine, He also had the support of mourabitoun leaders which gave his movement strength and respect among population which resulted in many victories, He finished by forming a parallel government to the Turks in rural areas of Constantine. Despite his attempt to break into Constantine after a long siege, he failed and was defeated by Al BEY who forced him to head westward joining Sharif Derkaoui, who killed him latter.

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