
أنظمة الرقابية المالية العربية وإعادة هيكلتها ‏ وفق نظام "‏twin Peaks‏"‏

This paper addresses research tagged "Restructuring regulatory regimes of Arab financial ‎markets according to the system "Twin Peaks" roles of modern oversight bodies on the Arab ‎financial markets, and the various regulatory regimes financial, first and foremost European ‎models and America, and the most important changes that have occurred in recent times, ‎fromwhere background and the desired results in the face of challenges posed by the financial ‎crisis on the economies of the developed countries and Arab, as well as the proposal ‎unenforceable regulators Arab based on the analysis of these systems, for use in the Arab ‎financial markets and the restructuring of the latter to comply with the control system "twin ‎Peaks". ‎

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