
Zn(ii), Pb(ii) And Cd(ii) Levels In Livers And Muscles Of Wild Duck (anas Platyrhynchos) Hunting In El Melah Lagoon (ne Tunisia)

We investigated the levels of Zn(II], Pb(II] and Cd(II] in livers and muscles of the wild duck (Anas platyrhynchos) hunting in El Melah lagoon in northeastern Tunisia from December 2010. Analysis of variance shows that no significant differences in metals levels were found between samples, but it should be pointed out that the number of samples was small. HSD Tukey test show that the amount of Cd(II], Zn(II] and Pb(II] in the levers was higher than in the muscles. The results obtained suggest the importance of wild ducks as bioindicators of heavy metal pollution.

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