
How do we feel about inflation? Can we control its proportion?
bywhen invest-December 25, 20210 Comments
How do we feel about inflation

How do we feel about inflation? Can we control its proportion?
Supply chain disruptions, labor shortages and high oil prices have led to high inflation

Supply chain turmoil, labor shortages and high oil prices have pushed inflation in the United States to its highest level in 39 years, but attention is now focused on people's expectations of whether the inflation crisis is persistent or temporary.

In a report published by the American Wall Street Journal, authors Nick Timiraus and Gwen Guilford said that people's expectations about inflation can play a critical role in determining how the US Federal Reserve manages this crisis and its ability to raise interest rates.

The authors note that inflation has not been a major concern since the 1990s, which means that determining how Americans feel about it is difficult.

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