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What is Eco-friendly printing in book printing China

Book printing will inevitably cause environmental pollution, so in recent years we have paid more attention to environmentally friendly technology in book printing in China. Many book printing companies in China have begun to choose to use eco-friendly book printing materials. The eco-friendly book printing technology of books has gradually matured and is sought after by many publisher and book printing companies. So, what is eco-friendly printing technology in China? Let us explain to you.

For the book printing in China, the eco-friendly book printing refers to a printing method that uses environmentally friendly materials and processes, produces less pollution, saves resources and energy during the printing process, and is easy to recycle after the printed matter is discarded, can be naturally degraded, and has a small impact on the ecological environment.
The eco-friendly book printing requires coordination with the environment, including the use of environmentally friendly printing materials, a clean printing production process, the safety of printed matter to users, and the recycling and recyclability of printed matter. That is to say, the entire life cycle of printed matter from raw material selection, production, use, and recycling should meet environmental protection requirements.

The industrial chain of eco-friendly printing in China mainly includes the printing materials, printing graphic design, plate making technology, printing technology, green post-press processing technology, environmentally friendly printing equipment, printed matter recycling and regeneration, etc. Through the implementation of green printing, the entire supply chain system including materials, processing, application and consumption can enter a virtuous circle.

The scope of the implementation of eco-friendly printing includes printing production equipment, raw and auxiliary materials, production processes, publications, packaging and decoration and various printed materials, involving the entire production process of printed products.
The production equipment that implements green printing covers the printing production equipment involved in printing processes such as offset printing, relief printing, gravure printing, stencil printing, digital printing, and combined printing.
The scope of the lithographic printing process to implement green printing is the printing process and printed products using the lithographic printing method. The printing methods are single-sheet offset printing and rotary offset printing.

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