
Waqf Et Sociétés Modernes: Des Enjeux Légaux Aux Besoins Sociaux

Over the past three decades, a clear interest in Awqaf is expressed in the Arab-Muslim world both by public and private actors. This paper attempts to analyze the theoretical and practical bases of this trend. We will analyze the different policies expressed by the officials to discern the objective conditions for a modern rehabilitation of ‘al ‘awqaf. The paper discusses the governmental management’s strategies of the waqf in the Arab world with a special emphasis on the post-colonial period. To delineate its weaknesses, the relationship between ‘al fiqh and the jurisdiction will be made in relief. In this context, the author believes that a modern usage of ‘al ‘awqaf would only be effective if it happens to revitalize the density of the phenomenon of ‘al waqf at its best: its ability to be an active component in the evolving process of the social regulation. To meet this challenge, a multidisciplinary research system of the ‘awqaf should be considered as an integral part of the academic research agendas.

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