The present study aims at shedding light
on two different vocabulary learning
strategies: ‘contextual guessing’ and ‘key
word method’. In so doing, the study
investigates learners’ use of these
strategies and attempts to suggest some
pedagogical implications for classroom
use. To achieve these aims, a questionnaire
about language learning strategies in
general and vocabulary learning strategies
in particular has been administered to 31
third year students from the Teacher
Training School of Constantine. Results of
the questionnaire show that the majority
of students rely on social strategies as well
as determination strategies for getting new
information, such as asking their teacher
for explanation or clarification and
guessing new words’ meanings from the
context in which they appear. Moreover,
learners in the population of the study
report their use of a variety of strategies to
consolidate new information. These
strategies include some Cognitive
strategies such as keeping a vocabulary
notebook, in addition to some
Metacognitive strategies such as using
English language media like watching
English movies and listening to English
songs. Finally, the study suggests two
methods for teaching the guessing strategy
and the key word method through two
sample lesson plans which can be
implemented in the EFL classrooms.
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Posté Le : 31/01/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Benyahia Amel
Source : FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 154-166