
Variabilité Phénotypique Et Sélection Pour La Performance Et L’adaptation Du Blé Tendre (triticum Aestivum L.) Aux Conditions Des Zones Semi-arides

The present research was conducted at the experimental field of the Algerian National Agronomic Research Institute (INRAA), Unit of Setif during the 2012/2013 cropping season. It focused on screening and analyzing the variability within F2 populations generated by line x tester mating design. The results indicated the presence of sufficient variability within and between F2 populations for the measured variables: the phenology, tolerance of abiotic stresses including water deficit and high temperatures and the grain yield. The principal component analysis divided the different F2 populations into 10 groups which differed for more than one character, suggesting that different selection strategies are available to improve more than one character at the same time. Thus populations that had favorable genes for grain yield and resilient against abiotic stress have been identified. The results showed that no population was desirable for all the characters measured.

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