Abstract: In this global economy .advances in information and
communication technologies are happening at a very fast pace. As a result,
the amount of data available is exponentially increasing. Also, the business
environment is rapidly changing. For organizations to keep pace with all the
changes and keep competitive, they need very timely and first rate quality
business information and knowledge. To this end, organizations are turning
to Business Intelligence and Analytics, a collection of decision support
systems and technologies which, if properly implemented, enable the
managers and the executives of the firm to make faster and better decisions.
Moreover, Business intelligence systems go well beyond what is offered by
the regular decision support systems and provide the ability to build and use
predictive models and analyze large amounts of text data. In this paper, a brief
overview of by Business Intelligence technologies along with benefits,
challenges and future, is presented. This paper is intended as a short
introduction to business Intelligence and Analytics systems. The main aim of
the paper is to raise awareness of organizations in the developing world and in
Africa in particular, about the benefits of these technologies and the crucial
role they play in the survival of the firm in the complex and turbulent global
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Posté Le : 27/09/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Djerdouri Mohamed
Source : La Revue des Sciences Commerciales Volume 16, Numéro 1, Pages 40-53 2017-06-15