
Typologie De La Conduite Des Elevages Bovins Laitiers Dans La Region De Setif

This study has concerned 87 dairy farms; they are distributed in 16 ditricts in Sétif area. There were represented by 850 dairy cows, with 9 cows for each farm at least. The genetic structure is dominated by the modern breed at 48% (Holstein, Fleikveih and Montbéliard), the local and mixed breed were represented by 38% and 14%. Factorial analysis exploratory has been used to determine the typology of the studied farms. The results showed 4groups of farms, (1) Farms with low milk production (10.37±3.4liters), (2) Farms with average milk production (14.08±3.05liters), (3) Farms with good milk production (18.26±3.82liters) and (4) Farms with high milk production (23.48±6.44liters).

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