One of the legacies of translation is faithfulness in meaning transfer. The word is supposed to be expressive, easy to comprehend and holds the denotative meaning of the original. That is, it must restrict itself to the nature of register and categorization. The literariness of language is not permissible in the world economy. The latter is in an ongoing development and transformation, and so is the register of its language. The problem, such development causes, is the normalization of the word to the original. Economic text necessitates a special skill in translation that cannot be done without a thorough knowledge in the field of economy. In this world of globalization, no error is permissible. Translators must be professional: they are constrained to learn, besides translation curricula, the major legacies of the specialized field of their choice, as the case here, economy. So, to indulge in the translation industry, the translator must have two major pre-requisites: the mastering of mechanisms of translation, and a fair substantial knowledge in the domain of economy. That is, his academic qualifications are the cornerstone of professionalism. Thus, training and certification are recommended for translators.
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Posté Le : 02/02/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Bouregbi Salah
Source : في الترجمة Volume 4, Numéro 1, Pages 124-135 2017-06-15