This study, which is classified under ESP discipline, aims at exposing the major difficulties that Algerian students face in writing on scientific topics and revealing the main reasons behind this problem. The findings of the two submitted questionnaires for both third year secondary students and their teachers showed that learners were unable to write coherent meaningful paragraphs and essays on scientific subjects. This handicap is undoubtedly due to a wide range of reasons such as: the lack of motivation and self -confidence , the need to master the different mechanics of language like grammar, spelling and punctuation, the teacher’s role which is not motivating and the lack of the necessary scientific knowledge to read and generate ideas about scientific matters. To face the problem, a number of techniques and teaching writing strategies were implemented throughout the present study.
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Posté Le : 07/05/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Bouguenous Abdellah
Source : جسور المعرفة Volume 3, Numéro 12, Pages - 2017-12-01