
Towards A Disciplined Engineering Of Adaptive Secured Service-oriented Business Processes

cross-organizations are increasingly coordinating their capabilities in the quest of dynamically adaptable and secured business process. Towards a Disciplined Engineering of Adaptive secured Service-oriented Business Processes, we are proposing in this paper a stepwise approach. Firstly, at the domain-level, we are using profiled UML class-diagrams to intuitively capture structural aspects of service-driven applications. Secondly, to cope with security aspects and their agility, we are governing any business security with governing event-driven business rules. Each business activity is governed through interaction-centric Event-Conditions-Actions (ECA) based business rules. They are then smoothly conceptualized as transient ECA-driven architectural connectors, with roles playing service interfaces and glues capturing the service composition logic Our proposition is located in a multi-concern architectural approach that explicitly separate interaction concerns, security concerns from context-aware ones. Each concern is first independently conceived through tailored ECA architectural connectors. These concerns are then accordingly integrated at the fine-grained activity level.

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