The speaking skill is one of the most
important skills to acquire when one
learns a foreign language. However, many
foreign language learners find that skill
very difficult because it requires a great
deal of production on their part. Therefore,
many studies in the field of foreign
language acquisition research have
investigated the role of the language
learning strategies and have revealed that
they greatly contribute to facilitating and
improving the foreign language learning.
Many of these researchers have focused on
those strategies that are effective in
helping learners to become self-reliant and
to achieve communicative competence in
speaking the target language. In this
respect, the present paper aims at
identifying the required strategies for the
development of competencies in English
as a foreign language and at analysing
whether or not the communicative
activities carried out by 2AS Algerian
pupils (represented by a sample of 50
pupils from a secondary school in Annaba)
encourage the learners to make use of
speaking strategies which would in turn
help them to develop their communicative
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Posté Le : 31/01/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Mezhoud Soraya
Source : FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 124-138