
Thermoluminescence Study Of Scolecite

The present paper reports the thermoluminescence characteristics of Scolecite mineral collected from Bhor Ghats near Sangamalner, Nasik Distric, Maharasta. The TL of as received minerals at varies heat treatment was recorded and also 5Gy beta dose was given to each sample prior to TL recording. TL of as received specimen (NTL) annealed for 1 hour a nd quenched from 200, 400, 600 and 800oC. The Scolecite mineral displayed a well resolved isolated peak around 162oCfor AQ from 400oC. However annealing and quenching from 600 and 800oC TL peak temperature changes to 116oC and 141oC. TL peak temperatures of corresponding TL peak intensities of Scolecite mineral of gamma irradiation and X-ray irradiation are reported. XRD and TGA of Solecite mineral was reported.

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