
Thermal, Electrochemical And Mechanical Properties Of Shape Memory Alloy Developed By A Conventional Processing Route

A Cu based shape memory alloy (Cu-Al-Ni) having a composition 83% Cu, 14% Al, 3% Ni, was developed and studied to determine the shape memory effect. Powder of Cu, Al and Ni was melted in a pit furnace at about 15500C, and casted alloy was heat treated at 8500C for a period of 50 minutes followed by water quenching. Microstructure characterization of alloy (Cu-Al-Ni) was carried out to determine the pre-quenched (cast structure) and quenched martensitic structure. The microstructure analysis of developed samples showed needle like structure of quenched martensite after heat treatment. It has a very good resemblance with structure of casted shape memory alloy obtained from the vacuum induction process. The Vickers hardness test was also performed. Quenched microstructure with improved hardness than pre-quenched structure was observed.

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