
The Use Of Camels Model As A Tool To Evaluate Commercial Banks - Case Study Of Société Générale Of Algeria For The Period From 2011 To 2014

The objective of this research is to demonstrate how to evaluate commercial banks by applying the CAMELS banking evaluation model, which covers six main areas of the Bank. This model includes standards that summarize information on quantitative and qualitative indicators for evaluating the Bank in a global and unified manner. It also made it possible to determine the strengths and weaknesses and, consequently, be able to take the necessary measures for the financial stability of the bank and the security of the entire banking system. The study revealed that the CAMELS model is an effective model for monitoring and evaluating performance, the overall assessment switched the bank under study to class 2, indicating the bank's ability to take risks and continuity in its business and its ability to make a satisfactory profit for shareholders.

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