
The Translation Of Economic And Financial Texts Problems And Solutions

From the point of view of translation studies many problems arise when translating a special text especially the economic and financial. The translation of economic and financial texts requires a range of skills extending far beyond linguistic expertise. Certain knowledge of the language of economics is one of the most important qualities that the specialized translator should require it. This article sets out to show how the language of economics is translated. This paper will investigate how the economic terms are conveyed from the source language into the target language and will discuss various aspects of economic and financial translation focusing on such issues as collocation, metonymy and polysemous terms. This article will deal as well as with the translation from English to French texts in the field of economics. First it will define the translation and describe the main steps of the process of translating involving two languages and two cultures. Second a comparison of equivalents in three languages reveals the existence of stable terminology items and various periphrastic options among which translation choices can be selected. This work is devoted to the teachers of economy and finance to show them how they can translate their works from one language to another.

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