North Africa knew the Aterian blade - I think the word is better
related to the Ater Well in Algeria - which dates back to the Middle
Palaeolithic. This research paper aimes at shedding light on the spread
of the blade in Africa.
Aterian blade characterized by the blade guilty instrument or
trailing tongue which was used in hunting and possibly in other
This blade was found in North Africa and spread to the West,
South and East Africa. As a result of Middle Palaeolithic’s man
moving due to changing of the climate conditions. It seems that the
climate conditions were affecting the Palaeolithic's man's moving to
those directions to convey his new culture and knowledge to the
people whom he moved to.
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Posté Le : 22/08/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Fayez Anwar Abdelmotelb Massoud
Source : حوليات التاريخ والجغرافيا Volume 5, Numéro 9, Pages 16-32 2015-12-31