
The Requirements Of Appling Knowledge Management In Conducting The Institu0te Of Sciences And Techniques Of Physical And Sport Activities In M’sila

This study aimed to identify the requirements of applying knowledge management in the institute of Science and Techniques of Physical and Sports Activities inM’sila .The researchers used an analytical descriptive method ,and used the questionnaire as a tool for gathering data from a stratified proportional sample of an academician administrative levels ,and administrators of the institute.The research sample amounted to 25 employees and employee of 55 at the institute.The study concluded that there was a positive relationship between knowledge management requirements and (organizational culture –power of humanity ,management leadership ,organizational structure ,information technology),and knowledge management implementation in the institute of Sciences and Techniques of Sports and Physical Activities in M’sila .By contrast ,the study found that there were no statistically significant differences between sample members in theirimplementation to knowledge management inside the institute.The study presented a several recommendations such as : -Rising the awareness of knowledgemanagement culture through workshops and,conferences - Designing a central data base between departments of the instituteto save and exchange the knowledge -Focusing on technological infrastructure .and allocation of financial and intellectual resourcesto establish an active networks within the institute .

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