
The Relationship Between Multiple-intelligences And Learning Grammar In Efl Settings

Typically, this article highlights some points of grammar related to multiple-intelligence (MI) developed by Gardner (1983, 1993). A survey was conducted using a questionnaire developed by Christision (1999) to specify MI learners, a pre-test and post-test for the examination of knowledge of grammar. This study tests the hypothesis of Gardner (1983) which indicates that if the intelligence of learners is a dominant linguistic intelligence, grammar scores would be higher without any difference if the students are male or female. For this purpose 64 male students and 61 female students, assumed learners of grammar, were invited to participate in the research project. A population of 30 men (of 64) and 30 women (of 61) EFL learners of grammar who had high scores in grammar on the one hand, and dominant linguistic intelligence on the other hand were selected. The results of this study revealed that: (a) the hypothesis of Gardner is partially true, and (b) there is no difference between the multiple intelligences of learners EFL men and women in terms of the domination of their intelligences.

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