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The Printing Tips Of Book Printing In China

1.The Document In Book Printing
PDF is the most convenient file format for communication between customers and the book printing companies in China. The file formats submitted to newspaper and magazine publishers are also based on PDF.
You can save the book printing document as PDF files by Acrobat, InDesign, Illustrator. When you finishing your book design by Indesign and before saving it as a PDF, don’t forget to set up the cutting and bleeding. The document design of book cutting and bleeding is a very important part of book printing in China. Before exporting the book you need to print, remember to embed the font, otherwise, the book printing companies in China will not be able to see the font you need. The preflight check function in InDesign and AI can help us avoid errors.

2.The Paper In Book Printing
In book printing China, the paper should be considered in every process, including the book design process. The thickness, texture, and color of the paper will affect the feeling of the design image. You can choose several kinds of paper to ensure the effect for the sample of book printing in China, a professional book printing companies in China will do it.
The opacity of paper refers to the degree to which text or images can pass through, which depends on the density and thickness of the paper. A professional book printing companies in China will provide their data or experience for your reference.

3.The Printing Color In Book Printing
For book designers, the color differenct problem is the most difficult problem in book printing.
The printed books we see are composed of three elements: light, paper and ink. Many company requsted Pantone color in book printing China because the Pantone color can effectively maintain the color uniformity to ensure the color recognition of the brand.
Four-color printing is known as CMYK, cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, and countless colors can be created according to the ink ratio. It also is the most common in book printing.
The problem of color proofreading is a headache, but if you choose an experienced professional book printing companies in China, they can help you handle everything.

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