
The Prediction Of The Surface Quality Based On The Stability Lobes And The Optimization Of The Cutting Parameters In The Vibration Restraining

The turning process is one of the best used processes in the mechanical industry. Therefore, the choice of the cutting parameters is very important in order to obtain a good machined surface quality. During the machining operation, the occurrence of vibrations cannot be avoided since these vibrations represent usually the periodic movements of the elastic system around its equilibrium position. The present article proposes to study the chatter vibration during a turning process by using new cutting conditions and using the stability lobes to optimize the surface quality. The main objective is to determine the best solution in the stability area during a turning process where the chatter is nonexistent, because the quality of a final product depends on the stability of the system piece / tool / machine. The proposed work shows its advantages by using a simulation and an experiment work. For the dynamic modeling of our work; analytical, experimental and numerical methods were used.

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