
The Negative Effects Of Food Price Inflation On Pupils’ Attainment And Performance At School In Algeria

This study attempts to discuss the negative effects of food inflation on school wastage in Algeria. The results obtained by means of (i) theoretical investigation, and by means of (ii) a field work conducted in two wilayate (county) of the country clearly indicate: - For a significant percentage of families, more than half of the income is spent on food. - Food price inflation pushes poor families to make severe cuts on educational spending. - In the context of lack of financial support, vulnerable families have serious difficulty to keep all their children at school, and learners encounter severe handicaps in their school attainment and performance. These facts induce high school wastage and inefficiency of the public sector. The solution to such a problem requires a better understanding of both parents and learners difficulty, and the definition of a sound scheme of financial help, and moral support. تهدف هذه الورقة إلى أبراز العلاقة بين ارتفاع إشعار المورد الغذائية من جهة والتحصيل والرسوب المدرسي من جهة أخرى في الطور الابتدائي , والمتوسط والثانوي في الجزائر. وتحوي هذه الورقة على بحث نظري وعمل تطبيقي في ولأية الاغواط و تندوف ، أما نتائج البحث فتبرز و جود علاقة عكسية قوية بين المتغير ين.

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