
The Lmd System: A Major Issue In Higher Education Reform

Rapid and continued globalization places pressure on Algeria as many countries to reform its higher educational system to improve the quality of university education as well as to offer training courses tailored, diversified and responsive. The main goals behind the introduction of the LMD system in Algerian universities are the adoption of a system of easily readable and comparable degrees, and the establishment of a system of credits for promotion of mobility for students and academic and administrative staff. It also aims at harmonizing our system of Higher Education, with the rest of the world. It is worth noting that the new system goes through three phases: The new elements that appear in managing teaching are: Semestrialization, and educational Units (EU). The studies are organized into semesters to relax the organization of training programmes, and students are expected to attend around 400 hours in a 16 week period (i.e. 25 hours per week. Lessons, however, are grouped into educational units: Fundamental, Methodological, Discovery and Transversal.

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