During the past two decades, social protection policy in Algeria has known plenty of changes in its framework to reduce unemployment phenomenon, despite the efforts carried out by the Algerian states to offer solutions and stop this phenomena by providing jobs which are not controlled till today ,under providing new methods and formulas to encourage the spirit of individual and collective initiatives of young Algerians ,here it highlights the role part of social protection as a system concerned with members protection of the community ,regardless of its kind when it provides assistance to get out of the unemployment in Algeria .
The observer of employment policy in Algeria would regret to youth position who are exhausted and overtired from unemployment which rises large effects touching the social, political and economic sides that caused poverty and illegal immigration of young people, in addition to the surrender of lot of social and psychological illnesses access for young people, as a result the asks in return for a radical change in all levels.
This study aimed to shed by light the impact of unemployment on the social protection systems, all this happens in light of the so- called economic globalization that the big markets and the world trade systems know it.
We will try to address this issue through exposure to the most influential aspects formed by unemployment phenomenon on social protection arriving to what extent it did reach, and to deal with the important procedures and arrangements that have prevented it.
Key words: social protection, unemployment, globalization, economic sector, Algeria.
لقد عرفت سياسة الحماية الاجتماعية في الجزائر خلال العقدين الأخيرين العديد من التغيرات خاصة في سياسته للحد من ظاهرة البطالة و بالرغم من المساعي الجاهدة التي تقوم بها الدولة الجزائرية للحد من هذه الظاهرة و جهودها الرامية لتوفير مناصب شغل و التي لم يتحكم فيها إلى غاية اليوم ، في ظل طرح طرق وصيغ تشجيع روح المبادرة الفردية و الجماعية للشباب الجزائري يبرز هنا دور الحماية الاجتماعية كنظام يهتم بحماية أفراد المجتمع بغض النظر عن نوعه عند قيامه بتقديم المساعدات للخروج من البطالة في الجزائر.
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Posté Le : 20/07/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Laachemi Aicha
Source : الاقتصاد والتنمية Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 31-45 2013-01-15