
The Impact Of The Pedagogical Content On The Observation Phase Of The Practical Training : ( Case Of The Department Of English

Observation can be used to help teachers develop a terminology to describe and discuss teaching, and to provide data with which to examine central concepts in their own teaching. In teacher training, it is essential to use observation of language classes in order to orient student teachers to the nature of the second language classroom (its organization, practices, and norms) and to enable them to develop an awareness of the kinds and levels of interaction that happen in language classrooms.The teacher training school of Constantine gives great importance to observation as an essential step in the practical training. In the training guide, it is stated that observation is a means of acquiring knowledge about the life of a group inside the school, a classroom and the members that constitute the educational act. During the Observation phase, the trainees are supposed to refer to a pedagogical background they have been exposed to during their academic training. In fact we assume that observation is affected by former theoretical knowledge acquired from pedagogical modules. Trainees refer much to what they have learnt in theory while observing teaching practice. Observation that is built on a background theoretical knowledge is focus-oriented and the interpretations are significant and valuable.The present study aims at investigating the impact of pedagogical content on the observation phase of training at the teacher training school of Constantine. Our investigation tool is the analysis of fifty (50) training reports of student teachers from the department of English. The aim is to check to what extent trainees make use of theoretical knowledge acquired from pedagogical content while writing the first part of their training report (observation).

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