The study aims to identify to which extent organizational culture at the Algerian university on impacts the performance of its professor. To achieve this objective we conducted a study on Tebessa University, in which we adopted a survey as a tool of data collecting, then we analysed data surveys by SPSS, to determine the impact of the independent variable (organizational culture) on the dependent variable (university professor’s performance). The result was the existence of a statistic significant relationship between the organizational culture and the university professor’s performance at Tebessa University, that is when the organizational culture at the university is strong, and then the impact on the university professor’s performance is positive.
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Posté Le : 23/12/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Bouhnik Houda - Bouacha Mebarek
Source : دراسات اقتصادية Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 41-76