
The Impact Of Mutual Funds On Activating The Jordanian Stock Market During The Period 2005-2014

The present research aims at clarifying the role of mutual funds in activating the Jordanian Capital Market through the use of the appropriate statistical methods, we investigate the impact of funds number and volume, as the independent variables, on the indexes of the Jordanian Capital Market's performance, as the dependent variables. The study displays that, on the one hand, the number of mutual funds affects two important indexes in the Jordanian Capital Market; namely, value traded and turnover ratio. On the other hand, their volume, i.e. mutual funds' volume, has an impact on a number of listed companies This finding enables the researcher to conclude that the Jordanian mutual funds play a role in activating, even partially, the Jordanian Capital Market; since it did not reach, yet, the degree to which it impacts on another number of indexes of market performance. The paper bestows commendation on a better marketing for mutual funds inside and outside Jordan. This process will be able to utilize lots of money. There upon, stimulate established investment which plays an important role in activating the bourse of Amman.

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