: The current paper deals firstly with some theoretical reflections on the importance of universities as the first stage in training students of translation as professional and expert translators’ in the future on the basis of translation teaching /learning process. Also, the various approaches, methods and procedures applied by teachers during the process that help to verge on texts to be translated the maximum adequate equivalents that correspond to the original text. Moreover, the role of the teacher as an educator and as a facilitator of the translation task will be discussed. As a matter of fact, this study takes into consideration the major roles as well as the consequences given by the academic training in training expert translators. So, to what extent do the pedagogical translation and the educational setting succeed in training the students of translation on the professionalism of translation? And what are the conditions that should be set up to realize such objectives for specific and general practice of translation process?
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Posté Le : 16/05/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Yekhelef Zoulikha
Source : Traduction et Langues Volume 16, Numéro 2, Pages 42-49 2017-12-31