This paper deals with the definition of the lube-oil film thickness in the piston ring cylinder liner junction of an internal combustion engine. At first, a mathematical model for the estimation of the film thickness is established. It is used to point out the oscillating motion of the piston ring normal to the cylinder wall. For the first time, has been highlighted and analytically evaluated the oscillating behavior of the piston ring in its housing in the radial direction. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the radial oscillations frequency is a function of piston ring stiffness, material and geometry.
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Posté Le : 25/10/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Zebbar Djallel - Mostefa Kouider - Kherris Sahraoui - Houzeaux Guillaume
Source : Recueil de mécanique Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 7-16