
The Essence Of Political Reforms In Algeria 1962-1992

ON JULY 30, 1991 Mr. Ghozali, the former Prime Minister of Algeria between june 1991 and july 1992, organized a meeting between his government and 45 political parties in Algeria. The meeting lasted for 3 days. His aim was to appease Political forces in the country and to set up the rules for the coming legislative elections which took place on December 26, 1991. What was interesting in this meeting is the conversation which took place between him and Mr. Nordine Boukrouh, the leader of the PRA (Party of Renovation in Algeria). Mr. Ghozali reminded the leaders of political parties that his government is neutral and came mainly to hold a free election only, but he presented long and short plans of his government which require at least 20 years to put those plans into effect. Mr. Boukrouh, leader of the PRA, sensed that Mr. Ghozali was behaving like someone who wanted to stay in power forever, like his predecessor in the same office in the era of the FLN. So, he asked the Prime Minister to refrain from exploiting the economic problems for the purpose of staying in power for good. Mr. Boukrouh made it clear that Ghozali's program was ready since 1979 when he was in power. In Boukrouh's judgement, Mr. Ghozali was seeking revenge from his opponents

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