This study aimed at identifying the effect of information system competency on improving the quality of the Algerian banking services. And to achieve the study objectives, two questionnaires were developed and distributed on the level of each of the managers of these banks, as well as their customers, with respect to a sample of managers ,a list of survey designed has brought to them to measure the dimensions of information systems efficiency, and the sample of bank's clients has brought to them a list of survey designed to measure the quality of banking service dimensions, The number of distributed questionnaires to the banks' managers was (74), (62) of them were returned and analyzed. While the number of the distributed questionnaires to the bank's customers was (80) client, (76) of them were returned and analyzed. Validity and reliability of the two questionnaires were computed. The results of the study refer to significant statistical effect of information system competency on improving the quality of the banking services in banks sample study. The study also shows that all correlations were statistically significant between the information system competency and its various dimensions, and the quality of the banking services and its various dimensions, and the correlations came between them to varying degree. In the light of the findings some recommendations are given.
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Posté Le : 12/01/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Atika Bentata - Djilali Benabou
Source : مجلة العلوم الاقتصادية والتسيير والعلوم التجارية Volume 10, Numéro 16, Pages 13-22