This study aims to characterize the Argan seeds by physico-chemical analysis of Argan nuts of two
Algerian populations, the first part of a Saharan climate (Tindouf) and the second belongs to a semi-arid bioclimatic
stage with temperate winter (Mostaganem). The results show a change in the composition of the seed according to the
origin and even within the same origin there is a differentiation of the intrinsic quality of the seed. Lipid fraction varies
between 42 and 53%. Registered rates of Protein have a declining gradient from north to south. Similarly protein levels
in ash and water has the same trend with the exception of the 2011 harvest from Tindouf, where almonds are the
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Posté Le : 27/02/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Hamani Z. Z. - Khaled M.b
Source : PhytoChem & BioSub Journal Volume 8, Numéro 2, Pages 80-85 2014-07-05