The aim of this work is to identify the determinants of the
financing structure of the Algerian companies, using the financial
statements of 83 large companies and 165 SMEs over the period
2008-2010. This is done through a comparative study between SMEs
and large companies in order to verify the existence of a size effect
and, subsequently, test the homogeneity of Algerian SMEs in terms of
mode of financing. The results of our research indicate that the
Algerian SMEs and large companies have almost the same
determinants of financial structure, i.e. the debt rate, the rate of
sustainable growth and profitability. The undercapitalization of SMEs
has negative repercussions on their financial structure and,
consequently, on their growth.
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Posté Le : 20/05/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Toumi Salah - Dadene Abdelouahab
Source : Les cahiers du CREAD Volume 30, Numéro 108, Pages 5-28