-Abstract: Many research in the teaching of physical education and sports field, we can talk about the contribution to behaviors teaching for pupils to get to accomplish Activity of physical education proposal from the breeder party, and this is a plan search of a scientific connotation explores all notices researcher through a network Note scientific tool.
The goal of our research was to highlight the determinants of students to express behaviors that give the true picture of the creation of pedagogical interaction in order to solve a problem that characterize the status of a proposed pedagogical Gel.
It has Touselnl to the presence of significant differences between the pupils who seem correlation between their behavior and pedagogical have the Breeder's quota in educational / learning.
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Posté Le : 14/08/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Labane Karim Labane Karim
Source : مجلة الجامع في الدراسات النفسية والعلوم التربوية Volume 2, Numéro 5, Pages 01-12 2017-06-30