
The Conception Of Special Needs’ Sport Excellence From The Point Of View Of Players And Staffs Field Study On Noor Msila Club Of Basketball On Wheelchairs

Algerian special needs’ sport becomes very important because it reaches high levels in the Arab world continentally and internationally; such as the national collection excellence in October 2015 in Doha in the international championship of force games for special needs. They realized 11 medals of different colors by just 18 players. This discrimination indicates that a hard work exists on the level of clubs. The continuity of dynamic sport excellence does not come suddenly or randomly instead it is the result of a group of factors that cooperate to realize this success. Noor M’sila club of basketball on wheelchairs –sample of the study- is a club that makes discrimination by realizing 25 national titles since 1983. It is one of the best clubs which feeds the national team with players; the majority of national team players belong to this club. Due to the continuous work, the team realized a historical success in world basketball in Great Britain in 2010 and three African titles. This study is hold to find out the phenomenon of sport excellence with the members of this team and its main causes. We have used the analytical descriptive method by conducting two questionnaires one for the players and the other one for the administration, staffs and trainers. This study was held to answer the following questions: What are players’ conceptions for sport excellence? Are there differences with statistical significance in the variable of sport excellence with players according to the following demographic variables: players’ age, seniority in the club, the number of titles took by players? Is the training program the first factor of sport excellence from the point of view of members of the sample?

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