
The Benefits Of Active Transport Related To Health And Well-being Among Some Algerian Postmen

Introduction: Nowadays the world is facing an unusual increase in obesity rates. Interpreted by similar studies to the reduction of physical activity time, compared to the inactivity time relative to our daily life. The case of workers/postmen, who need to walk or cycle up for six miles each weekday as aerobic exercise to achieve weight loss relative to enhance physical fitness. Objectives: To examine the influence of this phenomenon. Our study based on the means of transport used by our factors. Data and Methods: To achieve this objective, 54 factors from Algeria Telecom Naama participate in this study. Their daily tasks were evaluated, according to the delivery packages in which they used different means of transport. While to test the effectiveness of transportation and its relationship to worker health, we rely on the Rockport Fitness Walking Test to assess aerobic fitness, which is a well-known approach to weight loss and fitness. Results: Based on applied statistics, we confirm: (a) the need to encourage our workers to use active transportation on foot or by bike. (b) Active transportation is an effective way to improve the physical fitness and well-being of the body weight of our workers. Conclusion: Active transportation such as walking or cycling are qualified to meet the physiological capacities required, to stimulate and improve or maintain the physical fitness of our workers so that they can perform their daily tasks.

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