The present article deals with the major reforms that Margaret Thatcher undertook as regards education policies in Britain through a number of Acts and schemes and consisted in changing the nation’s schools system from a public service into a market. These reforms were to affect not only the school curriculum but also local education authorities and teachers. Thatcher’s government was determined to weaken the role of the LEAs by reducing their responsibility and control, and offering parents much larger role in the running of schools instead. The result of these policies was The 1988 Education Reform Act, which introduced the National Curriculum and the key stages of compulsory education with a focus on improving standards.
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Posté Le : 05/08/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Khalki Smaine
Source : دراسات Volume 6, Numéro 2, Pages 146-151 2017-12-18