
Teaching Speaking To Computer Science Students In The Algerian Context

This paper is an attempt to shed the light on the teaching of the oral skill to ESP students in general, and more particularly to Computer Science students at a university level. In fact, what is mostly important is to understand to what extent oral proficiency is relevant for ESP students who are supposed to interact orally in seminars and conferences and be able to suggest some oral activities which could be of interest for an ESP teacher at the department of Computer Sciences. In this humble work, we have tried to demonstrate briefly the importance of teaching the oral skill through various activities and tasks in an ESP context and more particularly in English for Computer Sciences. Students are more motivated when they are asked to communicate orally in the classroom. In an ESP context, teachers are supposed to set the terrain for discussing different topics and subject matters using technical words. What is crucial in fact is to enhance learning and ESP oral proficiency through tasks and authentic topics.

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